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来源:窦智法律 时间:2024-11-11 15:38 作者:zhao 热度: 手机阅读>>


  1. 首部(Heading):
  2. 案件编号(Case Number):如果已经分配,应包括在内。
  3. 法院名称(Court Name):应该准确地写出受理案件的法院的全称。
  4. 标题(Title):应以“原告诉被告”的形式开头,并标明案由。
  5. 原、被告的姓名、地址和其他必要信息(Plaintiff and Defendant Information):需提供详细的个人信息,以便于送达法律文书。

  6. 事实与理由部分(Statement of Facts and Grounds):

  7. 这一部分应该清晰、简洁地描述导致纠纷的事实情况,以及支持原告诉讼请求的法律依据。
  8. 具体包括时间、地点、人物、事件经过等细节,确保逻辑连贯且证据充分。

  9. 请求事项(Prayer for Relief):

  10. 在这一部分中,原告应列出具体的诉讼请求,如赔偿损失、停止侵权行为、支付欠款等。
  11. 请求事项应当具体、明确,避免使用模糊或不确定的语言。

  12. 尾部(Conclusion):

  13. 以“为此,原告特向贵院提起诉讼,并恳请依法裁判”或其他类似措辞结束起诉状。
  14. 同时,在此处注明日期,并由原告或其代理律师签名。

  15. 附件(Exhibits or Attachments):

  16. 如果起诉状依赖于合同、协议、发票等证据文件,这些文件通常作为附件附在起诉状之后。
  17. 确保在正文中提及附件的内容并在结尾再次确认附件的数量和内容。

  18. 送达要求(Service Requirement):

  19. 根据法律规定,起诉状和相关文件必须送达给所有相关当事人。
  20. 在起诉状中应说明将如何进行送达,并可能包含对不遵守送达要求的后果的警告。

  21. 声明(Verification):

  22. 此部分用于表明原告所提供的信息真实无误,通常需要由原告本人宣誓作证。
  23. 在某些情况下,也可能由律师代表原告签署并证明真实性。

  24. 费用豁免申请(Fee Waiver Application):

  25. 如果原告无力承担诉讼费用,可以在起诉状中提出费用减免的申请。
  26. 这需要满足一定的条件,并且在大多数司法管辖区有专门的表格和要求。

  27. 其他注意事项(Miscellaneous Provisions):

  28. 可能还包括
    • 选择适用的法律和管辖权条款;
    • 对未来通信方式和时间表的要求;
    • 任何特殊规定,例如保密条款或紧急处理请求。


| 首部 | | --- | | A Company v. B Company
| Case No. [待定]
| United States District Court for the [所在地] District
| Plaintiff, A Company
| vs.
| Defendant, B Company
| 123 Main Street, Anytown, USA, 12345
| Attorney for Plaintiff: John Doe Esq.
| 456 Park Avenue, Suite 100, New York, NY 10022
| Telephone: (212) 555-1234
| Facsimile: (212) 555-5678
| Email: john@examplelawfirm.com

| 事实与理由部分 | | --- | | On January 1st, 20XX, Plaintiff, A Company (“A”) entered into a contract with Defendant, B Company (“B”), whereby B agreed to provide certain goods and services to A in exchange for payment as specified in the contract terms. Despite repeated demands by A, B has failed to fulfill its obligations under the contract and has caused damages to A in an amount to be determined at trial. |

| 请求事项 | | --- | | Therefore, Plaintiff requests that this Honorable Court grant relief as follows:
(a) Award compensatory damages in an amount to be proven at trial;
(b) Order specific performance if feasible;
(c) Issue an injunction preventing further breaches of the contract;
(d) Recognize any other legal or equitable remedies deemed appropriate by the Court. |

| 尾部 | | --- | | Wherefore, Plaintiff respectfully prays that this Court enter judgment against Defendant in accordance with these prayers for relief and award all costs incurred herein including reasonable attorney’s fees.
Dated: March 1st, 20XX
Signature of Plaintiff/Attorney
John Doe Esq.
[Attorney's Bar Registration #]

| 附件 | | --- | | Exhibit A - Contract between A Company and B Company dated January 1st, 20XX
Exhibit B - Correspondence regarding breach of contract
Exhibit C - Invoices and records of payments made by A Company

| 送达要求 | | --- | | The undersigned hereby certifies that a copy of the Summons and Complaint will be served upon Defendant within the time required by law. Failure to answer may result in entry of default judgment against you. Please note that service must be effected properly in order for your response to be valid. |

| 声明 | | --- | | I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Executed on March 1st, 20XX at Anytown, USA.
Signature of Plaintiff / Attorney
John Doe Esq.

| 其他注意事项 | | --- | | This action is brought pursuant to the laws of the State of [所在地]. Venue is proper in the [所在地] District because the events giving rise to this action occurred within said district.
The parties agree to communicate electronically via email unless otherwise directed by the court.
Plaintiff reserves the right to seek emergency injunctive relief should circumstances warrant such immediate action.


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